chinese assassin djs about us
about chinese assassin djs !
Our Team Is Here entertain you.
In order to do so we had to learn how to remix the Reggae with other forms of music. From there we created our unique style called "The Difference Is In The Mix". Settling was never our blueprint; we always were looking for ways to reinvent the wheel (turntables). We started making Mega mixes, Mashups.
Our unique style of mega mixes started to become very popular worldwide and DJ's all over the world started to copy the style. Our mixtapes became a global phenomenon. Every car, water taxi, flea market had our work on full blast. Fast forward to today Chinese Assassin Djs has been mentoring this next generation of DJs on how to be creative and stand out from the rest. This is not new as I have taught & worked some of the worlds most famous DJ's on the reggae scene today.
Our musiccareers take us back to a time way before that. It all started in a
place called Mona Heights in Kingston Jamaica. It was there some of the
popular deejays known today began their music careers. Names such as
Bobby Chin (Black Chiney),Dr. Dre (Renaissance Disco), Jazzy T
(Renaissance Disco), Oxtail (Formerly of Renaissance Disco) and Master
Lee (Code Red) to name a few. We started out experimenting blending the
Dance Hall (Reggae) with other genres of music known today as a